Crossing plan to improve connectivity

Wednesday 26 June 2019
AlburyCity will work with the NSW Government to develop a safer pedestrian crossing point in Swift Street.

AlburyCity will work with the NSW Government to develop a safer pedestrian crossing point in Swift Street.

At their meeting on 24 June, councillors resolved to consult with Roads and Maritime Services to create the crossing in the vicinity of a pedestrian refuge that had been proposed for Swift Street.

Councillors also voted to investigate the possibility of creating more parking spaces outside the LibraryMuseum to offset the loss of any spaces caused by the crossing.

The new crossing would provide a safe link for pedestrians between the Wilson Street car park and the Albury Entertainment Centre.

Cr Henk van de Ven said council was keen to reduce the risk for pedestrians while also minimising the loss of any parking spaces in the area.

“With significant improvements planned to the Entertainment Centre that area of Swift Street is likely to become even busier for pedestrians so it’s important we create infrastructure to reduce the risk of accidents in the area,” he said.

“Under this idea, we aim to create better connectivity into the CBD with a safer flow of foot traffic and good outcomes for businesses in the area.

“We look forward to working with the government and the community to get the best result for the city.”

As part of the resolution, a further report on the issue will be prepared for Council’s Local Traffic Committee.

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