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Exciting Regional Deal for Albury-Wodonga

Friday 10 July 2020
The Australian, New South Wales and Victorian governments and AlburyCity and City of Wodonga councils have formally committed to developing an Albury-Wodonga Regional Deal.

The partnership between Albury and Wodonga councils is set to reach new heights, following the signing of a Statement of Intent to create Australia’s first-ever cross-border Regional Deal.

The signing, which took place on 6 July 2020, is a landmark agreement that will unleash our potential and drive innovation and growth for the benefit of the entire region.

The Statement of Intent lays the foundations for the game-changing Regional Deal that will harness the powers of local, state and federal governments to supercharge the local economy.

Consultation will now be held with key stakeholders to define ways in which the Deal can deliver significant population growth, new jobs, economic expansion and improved liveability for the residents of the border cities.

A direct result of lobbying delivered under the Two Cities One Community partnership, the Regional Deal offers a roadmap to drive transformational change for Albury-Wodonga, and is a vote of confidence in one of regional Australia’s largest economies.

The Statement of Intent identifies six key pillars to be explored through stakeholder consultation* including economic development; harmonisation; infrastructure and connectivity; a liveable community; quality health and education; and, supporting our indigenous community.

By developing the opportunities presented by these key pillars, our region can look forward to economic and social growth that will drive the Albury-Wodonga economy towards an exciting future.

*Details about the consultation process will be announced soon.

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