Work starts on intersection for the future

Monday 29 June 2020
Works have started on a major intersection improvement project that will help to provide the transport infrastructure to meet the rapid growth of Thurgoona-Wirlinga over the coming decades.

The redevelopment of the Elizabeth Mitchell Drive/Thurgoona Drive intersection will see the replacement of the existing roundabout with a new signalised intersection with left-turn slip lanes on the Thurgoona Drive approaches to the intersection, which will improve traffic flow.

The design allows for future duplication of all four roads leading into the intersection so that traffic capacity can continue to improve as demand grows.

The intersection works will occur over three stages. The first stage will involve ground preparation works and pavement construction on the eastern side of the intersection along both Elizabeth Mitchell Drive approaches and Thurgoona Drive.

AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack said Council decided to build a signalised intersection with the long term benefit of ratepayers in mind.

“Although some in the community preferred a new roundabout rather than a lights-controlled intersection, a roundabout would not have been able to meet the long-term demands of a community that’s forecast to grow to 50,000 people in less than 50 years,” he said.

“The new intersection, however, will have a life span of at least 20-plus years, meaning Thurgoona residents will have safe, efficient road transport services through that busy crossing even as more people move to the area in years to come.”

The new intersection will also include new signalised pathways to allow pedestrians and cyclists to safely cross, while the vehicle traffic lights will be programmable so that the signal sequences can to be changed to meet varying flow demands.

At a total cost of $3.4M, the redevelopment is expected to take 19 weeks to complete.

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