Community takes a stand for kids

Thursday 10 September 2020
White doves will be released in Albury’s QEII Square on Friday when the community unites in a stand to protect children from sexual abuse.

As part of White Balloon Day, school students will create chalk murals or drawings, using the hashtag #ChalkItUp as a statement of support for kids. Each artwork will feature a white balloon as a symbol of hope.

The chalk art will be created at the LibraryMuseum, near the Retro Lane Cafe.

AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack has urged the community to join Friday’s symbolic statement to make it clear that the abuse of children must never be swept under the carpet.

“All of us have a responsibility to prevent crimes against children so by standing together, we can send a message that protecting our children is paramount and that we can all help to keep children safe,” he said.

Police, health service officials and charities will attend the event, at the front of Retro Lane Café.

Information and vital resources on local services will be available and merchandise will be sold, with all proceeds going to Bravehearts.

The doves will be released at 12.20pm in the square.