Vax requirement in line with State Government orders

Thursday 7 October 2021
Entry to several AlburyCity facilities will be governed by proof of Covid-19 vaccination from Monday 11 October, in line with NSW Public Health Orders.

The changes will be introduced as part of the Reopening NSW roadmap, as the State reaches its 70% COVID double vaccination target.

Entry to the following facilities will only be permitted for members of the community who are fully vaccinated.

  • Albury LibraryMuseum
  • Lavington Library
  • Murray Art Museum Albury (MAMA)
  • Albury Entertainment Centre
  • Lauren Jackson Sports Centre, Lavington Sports Ground and aquatic facilities
  • Visitor Information Centre
  • Smart Centre AWMC
  • Wonga Wetlands Education Centre
  • Uiver café and Retro café (dine in)
  • Community Centres

The vaccination requirement reflects the State Government’s Public Health Orders to minimise the risk of Covid-19 spreading.

People visiting the affected facilities can find details of how to prove their vaccination status on the NSW Government website.

The situation will be closely monitored, and the community will be advised of any changes in the future.

AlburyCity Mayor Kevin Mack urged those who are not yet vaccinated to get their shot as soon as possible.

“Vaccination is the only way we can be sure of staying safe and getting back to enjoying daily activities with minimal risk,” he said.

“While we understand some people may have concerns about the entry restrictions, we stress that these rules are aligned with government health regulations designed to keep our community as safe as possible, so please do work with us as we strive to reach a new Covid ‘normal’.

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