Albury pool to close for winter after trial extension

Tuesday 27 June 2023

The Albury Swim Centre will close for winter with its last day being this Friday 30 June 2023, after a trial extension from its normal seasonal closure in late April.

In June 2022, Council endorsed extending the swim season at the Albury Swim Centre until late June, subject to visitation and an allocation of $200,000 in Council's 2022/23 Budget.

During the trial period, an average of 352 people per week have attended the centre, with attendance dropping each week as the colder conditions began setting in.

A full report on the outcome of the trial will be presented at a Council Meeting in August.

AlburyCity Mayor Kylie King said it was good to see swimmers making the most of the extended season.

"The report presented to Councillors will give us background information to help determine the most appropriate season structure for future years, taking into consideration both usage and associated costs," Mayor King said.

For more information about the pool season, visit the AlburyCity website.