Nominations open for 2024 AlburyCity Youth Council

Wednesday 7 February 2024

AlburyCity is calling for passionate young people to nominate for its 2024 Youth Council.

The Youth Council is open to nominations from people aged 12 to 24 who have a passion for community and making a genuine difference for their peers.

“Youth councillors are in a special position to advocate for things that are important to other young people,” Albury Mayor Kylie King said.

“By developing policies and ideas, Youth Councillors help the council to plan services and programs that are identified and developed by young people, for young people.”

The AlburyCity Youth Council has been running for the past nine(?) years, successfully coordinating programs and events including the Youth Connect Card initiative, the Kools Skools awards night, leadership conferences, youth forums, clean up graffiti days and the all-abilities disco.

Current AlburyCity Youth Councillor, Olive Baitch, said his term in the job had been an amazing learning experience.

“It’s not only a great way to give something back to our community, it’s also a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills such as hosting events and developing programs that make a real difference to others in our age group,” he said.

There are nine Youth Councillor positions, including a Youth Mayor and Deputy Youth Mayor. They will serve for 12 months.

Nomination forms are available from AlburyCity Customer Service or online at:

Nominations close on 23 February 2024.