Albury invited to have its say on Australia Day

Monday 22 January 2024

AlburyCity has kicked off a comprehensive community engagement program about the future of civic events on and around Australia Day.

In December last year, Council reaffirmed a decision to trial a different format for the 2024 events and to consult the community on the preferred format for the public holiday in 2025 and beyond.

Consultation started on Wednesday 17 January and will continue through a range of channels to ensure a wide reach until the end of March.

The Council is consulting with the community at all three events – last Friday’s Albury Awards, Australia Day at Noreuil Park and the citizenship ceremony on 29 January – with staff on-site at all three, gathering community feedback first-hand.

The wider community will have an opportunity to offer their thoughts through the Have your Say online platform, as well as using the public Wi-Fi linking community members to the online survey and at upcoming Council events including Gardenesque at the Botanic Gardens and Jamuary at the Albury Skate Park.

In addition, Council is inviting feedback from a range of stakeholders including the Aboriginal Advisory Committee, service clubs, schools, seniors’ groups and youth agencies.

Hard copies of the survey are also available at the Albury and Lavington libraries, Community Centres, Council’s customer service desk or by contacting the AlburyCity communications team.

The results of the consultation will help shape Council’s decision on the format for Australia Day and our civic events in the future.

The AlburyCity Have your Say page is live and there have been over 320 contributions to the survey so far.