Complying Development

Is a fast-track approval process for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development.

A Complying Development Certificate is a fast-track approval process for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development without the need for a development consent or construction certificate. This is because it is considered to have low environmental impact.

Your proposed development must fully meet specific development standards as set out by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, and can be determined by us or an accredited certifier upon application.

  • If your proposed development is within or near an electrical easement, you may also need to seek approval from TransGrid via their online Easement Enquiries Portal prior to submitting your Development Application or Complying Development Application to us. This is to ensure your proposal meets TransGrid’s safety and other requirements.

    You’ll find TransGrid’s Easement Guidelines available on their website. These guidelines will help you work out what you can and can’t do within a TransGrid easement and if approval from TransGrid is required.

    Find out more

Section 307 Certificate of Compliance

You should also be aware that you’ll need to obtain a Section 307 Certificate of Compliance under the Water Management Act 2000 before any Complying Development Certificate is issued by us or a private certifier.

We'll need to assess your development to confirm if any Section 64 contributions are payable. You can do this by submitting a Section 305 Application with us.

Is your development complying... You'll need to check that it meets the standards, head to the NSW Government’s Planning Portal. Check Now

Please refer to the Department of Planning & Environment's Complying development website or Guide to Complying Development for more information.

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