Outstanding Notices

An Outstanding Orders or Notices Certificate lists any current or outstanding notices and/or orders issued by Council in respect of a particular property.The provisions are contained in section 735(A) of the Local Government Act 1993 and section 121 ZP of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.Searches do not include Notices and or Orders under other Acts or Regulations.

Section  735 (A) Certificate ($184) or Urgent Certificate Fee ($252) delivery 24hrs Excl. Saturdays & Sundays

An Outstanding Orders or Notices Certificate lists any current or outstanding notices and/or orders issued by Council in respect of a particular property.

The provisions are contained in section 735(A) of the Local Government Act 1993 and section 121 ZP of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Searches do not include Notices and or Orders under other Acts or Regulations.