So you can have a safe and enjoyable time when visiting either the Albury or Lavington CBD areas, we have made these areas Alcohol Free Zones.
Alcohol Free Zones
What does this mean?
It is illegal to drink alcohol within an Alcohol Free Zone, which can include roads, footpaths or public car parks at anytime (24 hours per day/7 days per week).
For certain large-scale events, a temporary Alcohol Free Zone can also be established to ensure community safety. Temporary means that the restriction has a specific date (or dates) and time period (or periods).
Where are these areas?
- Albury CBD - ongoing
- Lavington / North Albury CBD - ongoing
- Chryslers on the Murray event - temporary at the date of the event each year, from Friday 5pm to Saturday 9am and from Saturday 5pm to Sunday 9am
These Alcohol Free Zones are in force until 27 September 2026.
Who enforces these rules?
NSW Police Officers.
What happens if I am found drinking alcohol in these areas?
The Police will give you a warning and the chance to stop drinking.
If you continue to drink, your alcohol will be confiscated and tipped out. If you do not cooperate with Police, you can be charged with obstruction under Section 660 of the Local Government Act which carries a maximum penalty of $2,200.
Alcohol Prohibited Areas
What does this mean?
It is illegal to drink alcohol within an Alcohol Prohibited Area at any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or during the designated times displayed on signs in the area. The same penalties apply for both Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas.
For certain large-scale events, a temporary Alcohol Prohibited Area can also be established to ensure community safety. Temporary means that the restriction has a specific date (or dates) and time period (or periods).
Where are these areas?
- QEII Square - ongoing
- Riverside Precinct: Hovell Tree Park, Noreuil Park, Oddies Creek Park including the boardwalk - temporary on Australia Day each year, from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm only
- Chryslers on the Murray event - temporary at the date of the event each year, from Friday 5pm to Saturday 9am and from Saturday 5pm to Sunday 9am
These Alcohol Prohibited Areas are in force until 27 September 2026.
What is the difference between Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas?
Alcohol Free Zones cover public roads, footpaths, car parks and lane ways.
Alcohol Prohibited Areas cover public parks, beaches and reserves.
How long do these restrictions stay in place?
Each Alcohol Free Zone and Alcohol Prohibited Area is in place for a maximum of four years.
After this time, together with our partners we will re-evaluate the need for these restrictions. The current restrictions are in place until 27 September 2026.
Contact us to discuss your plans
If you wish to hold a wedding, conference or event in one of our parks and you would like to serve alcohol, we may be able to grant you an exemption.
For more information
Phone: 02 6023 8111