This theme involves Albury being recognised as a cultural and creative city that embraces and celebrates its diversity; provides quality health care; supports children and young people, promotes positive ageing; encourages healthy lifestyles; values knowledge and life-long learning and is recognised nationally as a provider of quality education.
Key outcomes have been identified by the community and strategic actions will help bring the outcomes to life.
Progress will be measured by working together towards short and medium term targets and results will be reported back to the Community.
Key outcomes have been identified by the community and strategic actions will help bring the outcomes to life.
Progress will be measured by working together towards short and medium term targets and results will be reported back to the Community.
3.1 Albury offers access to a diverse range of educational opportunities | Partner organisations |
3.1.1 Provide a variety of early childhood education and care options – for children from birth to 13yrs. |
3.1.2 Support and promote educational opportunities – to local residents and outside the area. |
3.1.3 Encourage and promote inter-generational programs. |
3.1.4 Provide and support innovative approaches to alternative and non-traditional educational pathways, including less mainstream solutions. |
3.1.5 Improve access to a reference for vocational /educational choices – to help people to find the educational/workplace training options available in the community. |
3.1.6 Advocate, support and provide incentives for employers to engage more apprentices and trainees. |
3.1.7 Develop and implement cultural education programs. |
3.1.8 Higher education provider’s work together to enhance educational opportunities. Encourage children to aspire to higher education. |
Outcome 3.1 Albury offers access to a diverse range of educational opportunities | |
Performance Indicators | Measures and Targets 2020 |
3.1a Participation in pre-school program Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) domains: |
An increase in percentage of children in Albury attending pre-school relative to population number.
Increase average percentage of children ‘on track’ (above 25th %ile) over the 5 developmental domains of the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI). A population measure of children’s development as they enter school. Information gathered in child’s first year of full-time school. |
3.1b Student attainment and engagement |
A national Year 12 (or equivalent) rate for 20-24 year olds of 90 per cent by 2020
Source: Australian Govt DEEWR Youth Attainment and Transitions. |
3.1c National Quality Framework NQS = National Quality Standard. | All children’s services in the Albury LGA are at the ‘Meeting NQS’ rating or above by 2020 Base 2016. |
3.2 Albury’s key community safety indicators continuously improve | Partner organisations |
3.2.1 Develop and implement strategies to improve community safety and amenity. |
3.2.2 Advocate to all levels of Government for appropriate resources and strategies which support a safer community. |
3.2.3 Support children and their families through prevention of, or early intervention into, child abuse and domestic violence. Proactive communication with local, state and federal agencies. |
3.2.4 Educate community about cyber safety. |
3.2.5 Support coordinated Emergency Services and development of Regional Emergency Management facilities. |
Outcome 3.2 Albury’s key community safety indicators continuously improve | |
Performance Indicators | Measures and Targets 2020 |
3.2a Crime statistics for Albury LGA Source: BOCSAR. | Reduce alcohol-related offences to below 2015 rate per 100,000 population (195). Maintain incidents and ranking for break and enter (dwelling) offences: Reduce incidents of malicious damage by 10% over a three-year period, relative to 2015 figure of 1,450 offences. Reduce assault (non-domestic violence) offences below 2015 figure: Reduce domestic violence offences below 2015 figure: |
3.2b Road trauma statistics | Achieve a 1% reduction in the total number of road crashes in Albury per 1000 population. |
3.2c Child wellbeing – ‘Protecting Our Kids’ NSW Premier Priorities | Decrease the percentage of children and young people re-reported at risk of significant harm by 15 per cent. |
3.3 The health and wellbeing of the Albury community improves (including access to appropriate services) | Partner organisations |
3.3.1 Ensure the future health of the community is maintained with accessible immunisation programs. |
3.3.2 Support the improvement of mental health outcomes. |
3.3.3 Ensure appropriate provision of homelessness services. |
3.3.4 Ensure appropriate infrastructure including accessible path networks / encourage active lifestyles. |
3.3.5 Improve the health and wellbeing of the community through healthy eating and lifestyle wellness programs. |
3.3.6 Provide programs, services support and facilities for the community to increase positive social outcomes. |
Outcome 3.3 The health and wellbeing of the Albury community improves (including access to appropriate services) | |
Performance Indicators | Measures and Targets 2020 |
3.3a National measures for: - Heart disease and other chronic illness associated with a lack of healthy lifestyle - Mental Health | Decrease cardiovascular disease deaths in Albury per 100,000 population – 2005/2006 average 246.2. Diabetes-related deaths in NSW to fall below 30 per 100,000 population. Number of cancer deaths per cancer notified continue to fall. Albury Wodonga Health – Mental Health measures and targets. |
3.3b Immunisation rates compared with State benchmarks | Albury to be at or above the 90% state benchmark for children recorded as fully immunised in 3 categories: 12 - < 15 months; 24 - < 27 months; 60 - < 63 months. |
3.3c Homelessness data for NSW and Riverina Murray The rate of homelessness in Riverina Murray in 2006 was 48 per 10,000 persons compared ‘Reducing Youth Homelessness’ – NSW Premier Priorities. | A reduction of 7% in the overall level of homelessness in NSW (source: NSW Homelessness Action Plan). Reduce the rate of homelessness in Riverina Murray to under the NSW rate (per 10,000 persons). Increase the proportion of young people who successfully move from specialist homelessness services to long-term accommodation by 10 per cent. |
3.3d Healthy Lifestyle Programs ‘Tackling Childhood Obesity’ – NSW Premier Priorities. | Implemented as scheduled – (Murrumbidgee Local Health District) Reduce overweight and obesity rates of children by five per cent over 10 years. |
3.4 Albury offers a diverse and accessible range of facilities and activities for all ages | Partner organisations |
3.4.1 Improve access for all – in relation to systems and processes, transportation, civic buildings, community facilities and parks. |
3.4.2 Promote, advocate and provide facilities and activities for Albury’s ageing population. |
3.4.3 Promote and encourage healthy lifestyles through development and efficient use of sporting, recreational, educational and cultural facilities and infrastructure. |
3.4.5 Increase and promote activities and infrastructure available for children and young people. |
3.4.6 Enhance access to the Murray River and develop experiences for the community and visitors. |
3.4.7 Improve reserves and access to the Lake Hume shoreline. |
3.4.8 Improve infrastructure and outdoor space at child facilities and Community Centres. |
Outcome 3.4 Albury offers a diverse and accessible range of facilities and activities for all ages | |
Performance Indicators | Measures and Targets 2020 |
3.4a Customer satisfaction with the range of AlburyCity facilities and activities available | Improve community satisfaction compared with 2016. |
3.4b AlburyCity Murray River Experience Master Plan priorities | Report on priorities implemented. |
3.4c Sport and Recreation Participation Rates | Increase sport and recreation participation rates at AlburyCity facilities by 2% (2015/2016 – 1,098,338). |
3.5 Improved health, employment and education for the Aboriginal community in Albury | Partner organisations |
3.5.1 Provide opportunity for the general community to participate and experience Aboriginal culture. |
3.5.2 Promote access to Aboriginal facilities, programs and services. Advocate and support Federal and State strategies which support Aboriginal communities. |
3.5.3 Consult and engage with the local Aboriginal community on changes that will affect them. |
3.5.4 Advocate employment opportunities for the Aboriginal community. |
3.5.5 Implement priorities from the Aboriginal Community Working Party. |
3.5.6 Support the recognition of Aboriginal culture and protocols. |
3.5.7 Education programs to be made available through educational institutions. |
Outcome 3.5 Improved health, employment and education for the Aboriginal community in Albury | |
Performance Indicators | Measures and Targets 2020 |
3.5a Community Working Party measures ‘Closing the Gap’ priorities |
Identify and prioritise actions. Report on implementation progress by 2016. |
3.6 The improved settlement of people from diverse cultures. | Partner organisations |
3.6.1 Welcome people from a variety of cultural backgrounds to Albury and the region. |
3.6.2 Facilitate pathways to connect migrants with employment networks and encourage businesses to employ migrants. |
3.6.3 Promote the value of multiculturalism in the community through opportunities of cultural expression and awareness. |
3.6.4 Continue to provide education and training opportunities to improve skills, education and job opportunities. |
3.6.5 Provide access to interpreting and language services. |
Outcome 3.6 The improved settlement of people from diverse cultures. | |
Performance Indicators | Measures and Targets 2020 |
3.6a Skilled migrants coming to the region | Increase percentage of skilled migrants coming to Riverina / Albury compared with year previous. Increase in total number of migrants moving to Albury / Wodonga. |
3.6b Skill shortages and skilled migrant programs | Regional programs that help supply the skill needs of regional employers are provided and promoted. |
3.6c Translation services | Raise awareness amongst services and organisations as to the Government Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS National) available. 100% of AlburyCity Customer Service staff are aware of TIS National. Organisations continue to liaise with the Albury/Wodonga volunteer Resource Bureau – regarding settlement services. |
3.6d Community education programs that assist with understanding the value of cultural diversity | Continue to foster cultural celebrations amongst newly arrived community members. Cultural celebrations held annually. AlburyCity to support at least one major cultural celebration per year. Newly arrived community members develop their own community organisation and participate in at least one cultural event annually. Cultural diversity appreciated – (the different ways people express themselves depending on their cultural backgrounds) |
3.7 Increased participation in a diverse range of art and cultural activities in Albury. | Partner organisations |
3.7.1 Activate the cultural precinct and create connections between stakeholder facilities. |
3.7.2 Provide a diverse range of experiences in Albury – including entertainment, culture and sport. Support community-driven performance and events. |
3.7.3 Implement economically sustainable cultural initiatives. |
3.7.4 Ensure provision of accessible, high quality, and innovative cultural facilities and services. |
3.7 5 Protect, enhance and promote items of built, natural and cultural heritage significance. |
3.7.6 Encourage, support and foster sustainable organisations to deliver cultural experiences. |
Outcome 3.7 Increased participation in a diverse range of art and cultural activities in Albury. | |
Performance Indicators | Measures and Targets 2020 |
3.7a $ spend on cultural activity | Increase dollar spend on cultural activities in Albury compared with previous years |
3.7b Passive and active cultural participation rates for AlburyCity facilities and services | MAMA: Library Museum: Lavington Library: Albury Entertainment Centre: Wood Fired Oven: AlburyCity Collections: |