AlburyCity Community Infrastructure Fund

Providing financial assistance for the 2025/26 financial year, the AlburyCity Community Infrastructure Fund is an annual funding stream to develop or improve significant community assets.

Providing financial assistance for the 2025/26 financial year, the AlburyCity Community Infrastructure Fund is an annual funding program to develop or improve significant community assets. Funding may be through a grant or an interest free loan (subject to a contract) or a combination of both.


AlburyCity Community Infrastructure Fund is an annual funding stream to develop or improve significant community assets.

A community asset can be a building, land, or operational equipment.  It may be owned by AlburyCity, managed by AlburyCity on behalf of others or independently owned but available for use by the community.

Scope and Limit

The Community Infrastructure Fund has a set limit of $615K each year.

Financial assistance and in-kind support to community groups, organisations and individuals encourages social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. It supports equity, diversity and inclusion, is fair, equitable and transparent.

The support provided by Council can be financial and/or in-kind.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply, your community organisation must consider the following for your project:

  1. It is linked to the outcomes and goals in AlburyCity’s Community Strategic Plan Towards Albury 2050, and Council’s adopted strategic plans.
  2. The project will benefit the residents of the Albury local government area.
  3. The applicant must be incorporated or a registered legal entity and is not acting for private gain.
  4. The project is not typically or potentially able to be funded through other sources e.g., other levels of government.
  5. If your organisation received funding support in previous years, that you have met your obligations under the funding agreement.

Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria

What to Include in your Application

Alignment to Council Goals

  • How the project links to the Community Strategic Plan, Towards Albury 2050:
    • A Growing Sustainable Economy
    • An Enhanced Natural Environment
    • A Caring Community
    • A Leading Community
  • How the initiative supports the delivery of Council’s adopted strategies and plans.
  • Whether the timing of the initiative integrates well with other initiatives.
  • Whether the application fits within Council’s budget allocation as noted in the funding guidelines.

Project Readiness

  • The scope of works - purpose, project description, budget, timeline and any associated plans and specifications.
  • The funding request is aligned with the current stage of the project.

Organisation Capability

  • The role and function of your organisation.
  • Details of the organisation’s ability to manage the project.
  • How the asset will be managed over the longer term.

Public Benefit

  • How the initiative supports equity, diversity, and inclusion in our community.
  • How the project will evolve and become sustainable (including socially, culturally and environmentally) in the longer term (if applicable).
  • How the initiative provides community benefit beyond a specific interest group.
  • Evidence and data of expected community and/or economic benefit
  • Addressing demonstrated community need.
  • A written endorsement of the application from your governing body / peak body or other confirmed funding partners (where applicable).

Financial Capacity

  • The overall budget of your organisation and other funding sources which your organisation relies upon.
  • Whether the applicant will be contributing to the initiative and the quantum of this contribution (financial and in-kind). The amount of this contribution will be assessed against the overall project budget on a case-by-case basis. Note that a significant portion of the total cost of the project will need to be provided by the applicant, primarily in cash.
  • Any shortfall in your budget and how Council funding will address this shortfall.
  • A current copy of the organisation’s financial operating statement and future cash flow.
  • The project is not typically or potentially able to be funded through other sources e.g., other levels of government, philanthropic entities.
  • Whether the applicant or the occupier of an AlburyCity facility that has applied for financial assistance previously is in arrears with their financial obligations to AlburyCity.
  • Whether the applicant has met their obligations if they have previously received financial assistance from AlburyCity.

Download the Community Infrastructure Fund guidelines for further information.

Before Applying

Before you apply, you must read the Community Infrastructure Fund guidelines as it contains important information to guide you in your application process. We also recommend that you read the Albury City Financial Assistance Policy.

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their application prior to applying:

Community Development Team
553 Kiewa Street
Albury, NSW 2640

Phone: 02 6023 8111

How to apply

Applicants will be required to apply through the SmartyGrants Portal.

Review the eligibility criteria above and read the AlburyCity Financial Assistance Policy.

Congratulations to the successful applicants to the Community Infrastructure Fund in 2024/25

The successful applicants were:
  • Thurgoona Community Centre - $7,500 for the installation of a soft fall surface area to increase the variety of play equipment.
  • Table Top Community Centre - $27,100 to enhance the amenity of the outdoor entertaining and spectator area.
  • Albury Hotspurs Soccer Club - $37,500 to upgrade sports ground lighting and modifications to an existing building to include storage.
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