This grant provides assistance for landholders, community groups & organisations to undertake on-ground environmental activities that benefit our local environment
Round 3 of the Land Management Incentive Program is now CLOSED.
AlburyCity recognises the important role that private land plays in the protection of Albury’s natural environment and local threatened species. We have listened to the community and developed the Land Management Incentive Program to help encourage and incentivise community members to carry out on-ground environmental works that:
The following types of activities are eligible under this program:
This program is targeted at supporting projects located on privately owned land zoned:
There will be one funding round per financial year with opening and closing dates listed on the AlburyCity website. Grants range from up to $5,000 for individual landholders to $25,000 for community groups or a collective of landholders (grants outside of this value may be considered if discussed and approved with council officers). Applicants would be expected to contribute funds either through contributions or in-kind labour. Applications will be evaluated against the eligibility criteria and assessment criteria, which are weighted according to the project idea, capacity to carry out the project, location of project, environmental outcomes, and community participation/benefit.