Sport and Recreation Grant Program

Provides eligible not-for-profit community organisations to seek funding for facilities upgrades, develop business plans, forward planning documents or feasibility studies for sporting and recreation facilities within the Albury area.

The AlburyCity Sports and Recreation Grant Program is open all year round.


AlburyCity Sport and Recreation Grants is a year-round funding grants program designed to provide eligible non-for-profit community organisations funding for facilities upgrades, develop business plans, forward planning documents or feasibility studies for sporting and recreation facilities within the Albury area.


The Sport and Recreation Grants funding program has a set limit of $45K each year.

Applications from non-for-profit sports and recreation organisations to undertake infrastructure improvements, business planning or feasibility studies related to the development of their sport are welcome.

Applications for the purchase of major items of equipment will be considered.

The Sport and Recreation Grants funding program can only receive one application per organisation per financial year.

The Sport and Recreation Grants will be managed in accordance with the AlburyCity Financial Assistance Policy and the Sport and Recreation Grants guidelines.


To be eligible to apply, your community organisation must consider the following for your project:

  • It is linked to the outcomes and goals in AlburyCity’s Community Strategic Plan Towards Albury 2050, and Council’s adopted strategic plans.
  • The project will benefit the residents of the Albury Local Government Area.
  • The applicant must be incorporated or a registered legal entity and is not acting for private gain.
  • The project is not typically or potentially able to be funded through other sources e.g., other levels of government.
  • If your organisation received funding support in previous years, that you have met your obligations under the funding agreement.

In addition, the applicant must:

  • Only seek funding for a project based in Albury. For a portable infrastructure project or planning projects, a significant portion of the applicant's activities and/or users should be based in Albury.
  • Contribute at least 50% of the total project cost, with 25% being in cash.

Finally, applicants meeting the above eligibility criteria will not progress to the next step of the grant process if their application is for:

  • Retrospective funding (projects started or completed prior to the closing date of the grant program).
  • Maintenance costs, running costs and wages/salaries.
  • Furnishings, fixtures, floor coverings or appliances.
  • Minor equipment.
  • Are currently funded by AlburyCity, whether cash or in-kind.
  • Operate outside of the Albury Local Government Area.

Assessment Criteria

The criteria for evaluating requests and information to include in funding applications are listed in the following table:

Assessment Criteria

What to Include in your Application

Alignment to Council Goals

  • How the project links to the Community   Strategic Plan, Towards Albury 2050:
    • A Growing Sustainable Economy
    • An Enhanced Natural   Environment
    • A Caring Community
    • A Leading Community
  • How the initiative supports   the delivery of Council’s adopted strategies and plans.
  • Whether the timing of the   initiative integrates well with other initiatives.
  • Whether the application fits   within Council’s budget allocation as noted in the funding guidelines.

Project Readiness

  • The scope of works - purpose, project description,   budget, timeline and any associated plans and specifications.
  • Where a Development Application or   Construction Certificate is required, the applicant will be responsible for   completing these obligations. While it is not a requirement to have submitted   a Development Application prior to submitting their grant application, the   applicant should be aware of the requirements of doing so prior to submitting   their grant application.
  • The ability to complete the project   within 12 months of it being funded.
  • How the project will evolve and become sustainable in the longer term.
  • A   written endorsement of the application from your governing body or other   confirmed funding partners (where applicable).

Organisation Capability

  • The role and function of your organisation.
  • Details of the organisation’s ability to   manage the project (if applicable).

Public Benefit

  • How the initiative supports   equity, diversity, and inclusion in our community.
  • How the initiative provides   community benefit beyond a specific interest group through multi-purpose or   flexible usage.
  • How the project is socially and culturally aligned to AlburyCity’s   Community Strategic Plan Towards Albury 2050, and environmentally   sustainable (if applicable).
  • Evidence   and data of expected community and/or economic benefit.
  • Addressing   demonstrated recreational community need.

Financial Capacity

  • The overall budget of your organisation   and other funding sources which your organisation relies upon.
  • The applicant contribution to   the project and the quantum of this contribution (financial and in-kind).
  • Any   shortfall in your budget and how Council funding will address this shortfall.
  • The project is not typically or potentially able to be funded through   other sources e.g., other levels of government, philanthropic entities.
  • Whether the applicant or the   occupier of an AlburyCity facility that has applied for financial assistance previously   is in arrears with their financial obligations to AlburyCity.
  • Whether the applicant has met   their obligations if they have previously received financial assistance from   AlburyCity.


Upon submitting an application, applicants may be contacted by an AlburyCity Parks and Recreation Officer who will liaise with the applicant to gather additional information where required and to keep the applicant updated on the status of their application.

Applications will be considered as part of the Sport and Recreation grant round applicants have applied to, and will be reviewed by the Sports Albury Committee for eligibility and quality of application against the assessment criteria. Applications will be managed in accordance with the AlburyCity Financial Assistance Policy.

The Sports Albury Committee has the authority to make recommendations to Council’s Executive Team to fully fund, part fund or not fund an application, based on the information contained in the application at the time of the assessment.

Endorsement of the Sports Albury Committee recommendations is the responsibility of the Executive Team, under delegated authority from Council.


Applications shall be compiled into a report to the Executive Team, including the details of organisations, the amount of financial assistance, a brief description of the project, service, or activity to be funded, the recommendations made by the assessment panel and any other relevant information to assist the Executive Team in the decision-making process.

Upon the Executive Team endorsing the Sports Albury Committee recommendations to provide financial assistance to the organisations listed within the report, formal advice will be provided to all applicants (both successful and unsuccessful). Organisations who have successfully obtained financial assistance will be provided with a confirmation letter setting out any conditions specific to the financial assistance provided.

If the approval is above the CEO delegation level for approving financial assistance, a report will be provided to Council for their consideration and endorsement.

Disbursement of funds

Once Council Executives have endorsed the grant funding allocation, the applicant is informed of their successful application. They are also required to sign a funding agreement with AlburyCity which will outline the payment terms.

All funds that are not expended in the financial year for which they were allocated must be returned to AlburyCity unless approval has been granted.

A request for extension may be granted on a case-by-case basis. This will only apply where circumstances outside the applicant’s control delay project delivery beyond the due date. Approval must be received in writing from the appropriate Council Officer.


Formal acquittal is required at the end of each project. The recipient organisation is required to:

  • Complete an acquittal form provided by Council within 60 days after the funds have been expended, with details of how the funds were spent including receipts.
  • Include receipts for any equipment purchased where funds are approved for the purchase of equipment; the equipment is to be identified as an asset for the organisation.
  • Supply copies of promotional materials and acknowledgement of Council’s support.

AlburyCity maintain the right to audit, or have an agent, accountant, or other representative, audit such books, records and supporting data relating to the financial assistance provided upon thirty (30) days’ notice.

GST Information

Please note that there may be a GST component applicable under this grants program. All costs provided in the application (including quotes) must include GST.

How to apply

Apply Online

Before Applying

Before you apply, you must read the Sport and Recreation Grants Guidelines as it contains important information to guide you in your application process. We also recommend that you read the Albury City Financial Assistance Policy.

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their application prior to applying:

Parks and Recreation Team
553 Kiewa Street
Albury, NSW 2640

Phone: 02 6023 8111

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