I Love a Sunburnt Country

I Love a Sunburnt Country is a series of colour photographs reminiscent of holiday snapshots and postcards.

With snippets of text, Tim Rowston fuses imagery, history and poetry in order to portray Australia’s simplicities and complexities. A message of gratitude, admiration and historical appreciation flows through the photographs, capturing the idiosyncrasies of our culture, identity and environment.

This exhibition is available for loan to museums, galleries, and libraries. It includes 20 photographic artworks in aluminium frames and is shipped in two custom crates. Digital graphics files can also be provided, and catalogues are available. Approximately 30 linear metres of gallery space would be suitable to host the exhibition, but there is flexibility in the display. The loan fee is $500 plus freight, and the artist can provide guided tours for an additional fee.

For more information contact Albury LibraryMuseum
Phone: 02 6023 8333
Email: librarymuseum@alburycity.nsw.gov.au

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