Join a community garden

By contributing to a community garden you will connect with people in your local area, build a sense of community, grow healthy fruit and vegetables, beautify your area and improve your wellbeing.

There’s nothing better than eating delicious organic fruit and vegetables. It’s even more satisfying when you’ve grown your own.

If you’re thinking of becoming involved in a community garden, there are many benefits to you and the community.

Health and wellbeing

  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables gives individuals and families direct access to fresh organic produce giving great nutritional benefit.
  • Keeping a garden plot helps keep you physically fit.


  • Community gardens are environmentally sustainable and generally completely organic
  • Gardeners don’t use chemical fertilisers or compost systems; instead household waste is used to create organic composting systems, reducing landfill.
  • Community gardens green urban environments and re-green vacant lots


  • Gardening is mentally stimulating and adds to an individuals knowledge and expertise.
  • There is informal learning from fellow gardeners and there are also accredited training courses through schools and tertiary institutions.
  • Workshops are often held at community gardens regarding composting and fertilising.


  • By diversifying the use of open space and creating the opportunity for passive and active recreation, community gardens improve the urban environment.
  • Community gardens are social spaces where friends, neighbours and relatives congregate to not just garden but hold community events, hold cooking classes and swap produce.
  • People come form all different backgrounds and ethnicities.
  • Community gardens develop community identity and community spirit.

There are five community gardens in the Albury that you can join. They are all open to new members and seeking volunteers for a range of roles and tasks. Choose a community garden near you and contact us to find out how you can get involved.