See and Do

Grab your hat and sunscreen - or raincoat and umbrella, and explore. Enjoy this glorious part of Albury, that is looking good and doing good!


Wonga has seven lagoons covering 80 hectares with a capacity of 880 megalitres. Take a closer look from one of our walking tracks.

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Bird Hides

There are six bird hides located around the wetlands for you to test out your wildlife watching skills. Please close the door and shutters of each hide when you leave.

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Wiradjuri Campsite

The Indigenous campsite has been established by the local Wiradjuri people. Here you can see examples of an Indigenous cooking area, sleeping area, tool making and rock art areas as well as a ceremonial dancing circle.

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Wagirra Trail and Yindyamarra Sculpture Walk

The Wagirra Trail links Horseshoe Lagoon with the South Albury Trail at the Union Bridge. There are many places to stop and picnic or just enjoy the tranquillity of the Murray River.

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Wonga Wetlands Trail

A unique environmental experience exists downstream from Albury along the floodplain of the Murray River – the Wonga Wetlands.

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Birdwatching at Wonga Wetlands

The constant wetting and drying cycle of the wetlands keeps bird numbers and diversity higher than a natural system, which creates a more intense opportunity for bird watching. With over 154 identified bird species Wonga Wetlands is a birdwatchers paradise