Wiradjuri Campsite

The Indigenous campsite has been established by the local Wiradjuri people. Here you can see examples of an Indigenous cooking area, sleeping area, tool making and rock art areas as well as a ceremonial dancing circle.

With the assistance of the local Wiradjuri people, Council have developed a scaled-down replica of a typical Indigenous campsite near the Aquatic Environment Education Centre. This cultural and educational facility is now an important focus for meetings and ceremonies involving the Wiradjuri people. The campsite was established to help visitors to better understand Wiradjuri history and culture.

It is a working campsite, set out according to tradition, with areas for cooking, sleeping, tool making and rock art, as well as a ceremony/dancing circle. For visitors there are various signs explaining the various components of the site.

Groups (including school groups) and individuals are welcome to visit the campsite and the Wiradjuri display in the Wonga Wetlands visitors centre at any time. Guided tours and ceremonies can be arranged by appointment.