Managing Environmental Lands

Monday 1 July 2019
An exciting new era in the management of Albury’s environmental lands has begun.

Fifty-five parcels of bushland set aside as the Albury Environmental Lands (AEL) by the Albury Wodonga Development Corporation have now been gifted to AlburyCity, along with funding of approximately $4.5M to pay for improvement and preservation of the sites over the medium to long term.

It means just over 600 hectares of important ecological lands will be enhanced for future generations to enjoy.

The land parcels have been zoned for environmental management and their transfer to the Albury community means we can begin planning for improvements such as revegetation or walking trails.

The Albury Environmental Lands are spread across the city but many are in the Thurgoona area, where preservation and improvement will help to ensure the survival of endangered species such as the squirrel glider.

Community groups will be asked to work with Council to achieve the best outcomes for nature and residents.

The transfer of ownership took place on 1 July 2019.

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