Speed changes to improve safety

Tuesday 1 October 2019
We will soon introduce speed limit reductions among a range of traffic safety improvements in Glenroy, following a detailed assessment of traffic behaviour and risks in the area.

The investigations were conducted after residents raised concerns for the safety of motorists and pedestrians.

From Tuesday 8 October, council will begin work on the following changes:

  • A speed reduction from 60 kmph to 50k kmph on Gap Road, Tenbrink Street and Ryan Road
  • Stop signs at the intersections of Wilkinson/Tenbrink and Hodge/Tenbrink Streets
  • A channelised right-turn lane for northbound vehicles on Tenbrink Street at the intersection of Hodge Street
  • Installation of barrier railing at the Wilkinson/Tenbrink Street intersection
  • Trial closure of the southbound access to Watson Street from the Chenery/Burrows/Ryan roundabout for three months. The closure will be assessed at the end of the trial and additional feedback sought from residents
  • Continued monitoring of the Tenbrink Street/Ryan Road intersection during the trial period, with consideration for possible improvements in future.

Also, a road surface treatment to improve vehicle traction on Tenbrink Street will be investigated and implemented in the coming months.

The works will be completed by Friday 11 October 2019 with only minimal disturbance to residents and road users.

Council thanks the residents and business owners who helped to develop these important safety improvements.

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