Festival has the 'write' stuff for everyone

Wednesday 11 September 2019
A book created by children, adults with mixed abilities and an artist will headline the opening of the Write Around the Murray festival this week.

Pre-schoolers from Banjora Children’s Centre, adults from the Kirinari Day Program and lead artist Kathy Holowko teamed up to write and produce A Little Seed, following creative craft and play sessions.

It was funded by the Halve Waste campaign.

On Wednesday, a special reading of A Little Seed at the Library Museum will kick off WAM 2019.

This year’s festival explores the humanising power of story, examining the stories we tell about ourselves and others, and how stories shape our knowledge and understanding of our increasingly complex world.

Running from 11 to 15 September, WAM brings together some of Australia’s best authors and storytellers in an approachable and friendly forum.

As the only literary festival in the Southern Riverina, WAM 2019 will include art exhibitions, writer and illustrator workshops, a series of family events called WAM4Kids and author talks with Alison Lester, Toni Jordan, Ben Doherty and many more.

Festival highlights include an opening night author panel featuring Jane Caro (AM), a cycling tour followed by a gourmet picnic with Steven Herrick, a talk from Kon Karapanagiotidis of the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and the Saturday night gala event, Stereo Stories: A song. A place. A time featuring a local Albury author for the first time.

WAM is Australia’s most welcoming literary festival and is open to everyone, with many events offered free of charge.

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