Building Works and Notification

Notify us prior to commencing work as part of your Construction Certificate or apply for an Occupation Certificate once works have been completed.

Notice of Commencement of Building Work

You’ll need to let us know when you plan to commence building works at least 2 business days prior. Simply complete and return to us the form as issued with your Construction Certificate.

Critical Stage Inspections

As part of the Construction Certificate process, we’ll need to undertake inspections of building works at stages detailed in your certificate. To book an inspection, get in touch with us on 02 6023 8111. We’ll need at least 24 hours notice so we can prepare for the inspection.

Occupation Certificate

Once all works have been completed as per the approved plans, the owner or a person who is eligible to appoint the principal certifier, will need to obtain approval to occupy the building, and/or use the structure, by applying for an Occupation Certificate.

Application for Occupation Certificate’s are made online through the NSW Planning Portal.

Note: all required documentation that is outlined in Attachment 1 of the Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate issued by us must be uploaded with your application.

We will call you to arrange a final inspection or may request additional information using the NSW Planning Portal if the application has been submitted without all required documentation.

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