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Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010

Understand the rules and guidelines we have in place for the control of development in our city through land zoning.

This Albury Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010 outlines the rules and guidelines for the control of development in our city through land zoning. It sets out what development types are permissible in each zone, including their legal definitions. It also contains key development standards and provisions to address local land constraints.


  • As of 26 April 2023 (via State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Land Use Zones) (No 2) 2022) a reference to Zones B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, IN1, IN2 in a document should be taken to be a reference to an Employment Zone E1, E2, E3, E4 and supporting zone MU1 (refer to table below)(with the exception of the NEXUS Regional Job Precinct that has been deferred pending further investigation). For further information please see

Business and Industrial Zones

Employment Zones

B1 Neighbourhood Centre

B2 Local Centre

E1 Local Centre

B3 Commercial Core

E2 Commercial Centre

B4 Mixed Use

MU1 Mixed Use

B5 Business Development

B6 Enterprise Corridor

B7 Business Park#

E3 Productivity Support

IN2 Light Industrial (Willowbank Road, East Albury)

E3 Productivity Support*

IN1General Industrial#

IN2 Light Industrial

E4 General Industrial

*This area was translated to a non-direct equivalent zone.

# B7 Business Park Zone and IN1 General Industrial Zone continue to apply to the NEXUS Regional Job Precinct which has been deferred pending further investigation as part of the Albury Regional Job Precinct Master Plan

  • As of 1 December 2021, a reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 in a document should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4. For further information please see NSW Government Conservation Zones Fact Sheet.
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