Development Applications

Is a formal request to us for consent to carry out your proposed development. You’ll need to apply for a DA if your proposal doesn’t meet the standards set out for exempt or complying development.

Before you construct, make changes or occupy a building in our city, you may need to lodge a Development Application (DA) with us for assessment. A DA is a formal request for consent to carry out your proposed development including:

  • construction of a new building
  • alterations and additions to an existing building
  • changing the use of land
  • subdividing the land
  • carrying out landscaping or other work

A DA is assessed based on its merits and should align to the development standards, controls and provisions as set out in our:

Upon a satisfactory assessment outcome of your proposed development, we’ll issue a Development Consent under Section 4.18 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 which will outline conditions you’ll need to meet.

To commence construction, you should be aware that you’ll also need to obtain a Construction Certificate.

  • If your proposed development is within or near an electrical easement, you may also need to seek approval from TransGrid via their online Easement Enquiries Portal prior to submitting your Development Application or Complying Development Application to us. This is to ensure your proposal meets TransGrid’s safety and other requirements.

    You’ll find TransGrid’s Easement Guidelines available on their website. These guidelines will help you work out what you can and can’t do within a TransGrid easement and if approval from TransGrid is required.

    Find out more

Pre-lodgement appointments

When you are preparing a development application, we can provide general advice about planning controls and help identify potential issues before the development application is lodged.  To make an appointment to speak with one of our planners, call 02 6023 8111 or email

Prepare my application

You've identified that you'll need to submit a development application for your proposed works. Find out how to apply and what supporting information you'll need to submit.

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