
In managing street and off-street parking in Albury we balance the needs of residents, commuters, shoppers and visitors. Our rangers patrol the city’s parking areas to make sure this balance is working.

Parking in our CBD's

There are a range of parking options available in our Albury and Lavington CBD's, including both on and off-street options from quarter-hour to all-day parking, and long vehicle parking.

Albury CBD Parking Map

Albury CBD Parking Map

Albury Car Parks

Myer Centrepoint 160 All day
Myer Centrepoint 350 3 hour
Myer Centrepoint 155 2 hour
Myer Centrepoint 11 30 min
Westend Plaza 134 All day
Westend Plaza 420 3 hour
Westend Plaza 35 1 hour
SS&A Club 558 All day
Wilson Street Car Park 343 All day
Kiewa Street Car Park 711 All day
Volt Lane Car Park 289 3 hour
Volt Lane Car Park (Levels 4 and 5) 208 All day
David Street Car Park 168 3 hour

Lavington Car Parks

Centro Lavington 794 All day
Big W Car Park (East) 79 All day
Big W Car Park (West) 132 All day
Coles Lavington 168 All day
Griffith Road Car Park 64 All day
Sanders Road Car Park 45 All day
Waugh Road Car Park 84 All day

Long Vehicle Parking

Albury Wilson Street, beween David and Olive Streets
Albury Elizabeth Street, between Stanley and Dean Streets
AlburyHume Street, between Kiewa and Olive Streets
AlburyYoung Street, between Wilson and Swift Streets
AlburyTownsend Street, between Smollet and Dean Streets
LavingtonBreen Street, between Prune Street and Griffith Road

Parking Permits

Residential parking permits

Albury does not have a residential parking scheme that gives parking rights in certain streets to residents only.

However, we currently have an interim arrangement for a few streets in inner Albury where only residents and people working in businesses in those streets are allowed to park. This measure is under review.

Commercial vehicle permits

You may need a commercial vehicle parking permit to use a commercial loading zone or regulated parking bay for a set period of time.

The rules for loading zones are:

  • The only vehicles you can park in a loading zone are those designed mainly to carry goods (trucks, vans etc.)
  • You can only use a loading zone for loading or unloading goods
  • You can stay in a loading zone for no more than 30 minutes
  • A station wagon or three-wheeled goods-carrying vehicle can use a loading zone for no more than 15 minutes.

To use a loading zone or a regulated parking bay for more than the allowed 30 (or 15) minutes, you will need to submit an application form for a parking permit and pay a fee. For some activities you may also need to supply a traffic control plan. Please contact us (02 6023 8111) for more information about requirements for this permit.

Disability parking permit

The Mobility Parking Scheme provides permits for people who have a mobility disability to park in spaces in Albury that have a disabled parking sign.