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Albury Upcycle and Recycle Shop

Operated by not-for-profit group, Aware Programs, the upcycle and recycle shop gives new life to old household goods, and also provides valuable employment and training to the supported workforce sector.

Aware’s team includes local people with disabilities, long-term job seekers and people who are retraining for new careers.

You can deliver unwanted household items such as bikes, books, furniture, tools and toys to the Albury Recycling Centre.

The team at the Upcycle Shop will offer these goods for sale at bargain prices to the community so why not check it out to see if that pre-loved item is right for you?

The Upcycle and Recycle shop also offers low-grade mulch for a small donation and five kg bags of kindling for just $5. The team also transforms waste such as timber pallets into furniture and other useful items.

The AWARE Upcycle Shop is located next to the Albury Waste Management Centre and can be accessed via Mudge Street, just past the Albury Animal Care Centre.

  • Tool Library keyboard_arrow_right

    Similar to a traditional book lending library, the Albury Upcycle and Recycle Shop Tool Library lends out tools, and gardening equipment free of charge which enables everyone to have access to tools without the need to purchase expensive items or store gear that is only occasionally used.

    With a library of over 50 different items ranging from screwdrivers, vices, gardening equipment, files, socket sets, most of our tools* are donated by our generous community who no longer have a need for them or are downsizing and clearing space.

    How it works

    • Visit the Albury Upcycle and Recycle Shop during opening hours, Monday to Friday
    • Browse the inventory and find the perfect tool for your next project
    • Borrow a tool (or two) by completing a simple loan form (ID will need to be sighted and address and phone number provided)
    • Return the borrowed tools after a week and repeat the process

    *No sharp (saws) or electrical tools will be included in the library.

  • Second-hand household goods keyboard_arrow_right

    New stock arrives each day. Our range of household goods can include:

    • Bicycles – BMXs, mountain bikes, tricycles
    • Sporting Goods – golf clubs, kayaks, basketball rings
    • Homewares – crockery, glassware, cutlery
    • Musical Instruments – keyboards, electric organs, electric drum kits
    • Pool Tables – billiards, air hockey
    • Kids Toys & Learning Materials
    • Books
    • Records, DVDs and CDs
    • Camping and Outdoor Equipment
    • Gardening equipment, pot plants, outdoor table sets
    • Garden stakes, kindling & pallets
    • Desk chairs
    • Dining chairs
    • Lounges and sofas
    • Coffee tables
    • Dining tables
    • Cabinets
    • Desks
    • Bed Frames
    • Outdoor furniture
Albury Upcycle and Recycle Shop
Albury Upcycle and Recycle Shop

Operated by not-for-profit group, Aware Programs, the upcycle and recycle shop gives new life to old household goods, and also provides valuable employment and training to the supported workforce sector.

Learn More
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