Sports Albury Advisory Committee

Albury sports committee is a community based advisory committee set up to provide advice to Council on the issues affecting recreation, sport and leisure in Albury.

Sports Albury's role is dynamic and flexible to the needs of the community with the vision to promote the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle through physical activity for the whole community.

The committee has 13 members comprising six community sport and recreation representatives, six peak body representatives (i.e. NSW Health, NSW Sport and Rec, Schools, Private/Commercial, Higher Education & City of Wodonga) and an AlburyCity Councillor as Chairperson.

Sports Albury's achievements in recent times includes being a lead agent in AlburyCity running forums and workshops for the development of sports and their volunteers, investigating the feasibility of projects, co-ordinating events to recognise volunteers in the community and playing a key role in the distribution of funds for sport and recreation infrastructure projects with the AlburyCity Sport and Recreation Grants.

The committee meets four times per year (February, May, August and November) with the minutes of each meeting being presented to the Council the following month.

For more information read the business papers