Sustainability advisory committee

The sustainability advisory committee provides direction to Council on sustainability and environmental matters. Its role is closely linked to our commitment to the community defined sustainability outcomes in Towards Albury 2050.

The Sustainability Advisory Committee was established in 2011 to provide direction to Council on sustainability and environmental matters. In 2014, the Committee switched its focus to raising awareness in the community on sustainability and the environment. Council seeks this to be front and centre of the Committee over the next 12 months and seeks interested members of the Albury community to participate in a forum to raise, discuss and share information on sustainability and environment concepts, ideas and initiatives at a grassroots level.

Community Awareness Program

Council’s Community Awareness Program on sustainability and the environment is informed by this Committee, through which it has been able to grow and expand over a range of themes – biodiversity and vegetation management; sustainable transport; energy, water and waste management; liveable communities and healthy lifestyle; climate change and adaptation; and importantly, methods to engage with the community including the business sector.

Practical initiatives and actions arising from this Committee are many. For example, through this Committee Council has taken steps to divest from fossil fuels and expanded the Albury–Wodonga Sustainable Living Festival.

This Committee is a forum for sustainability concepts and ideas. While Council does not always obligate itself to any particular concept or idea, it will to the extent possible assist grass roots initiatives and/or action on sustainability and the environment.

Council thereby seeks expressions of interest from members of the Albury community who have an interest and passion for environmental education and awareness and are willing to work collaboratively with the Council on mapping a sustainable future for Albury.

As a Committee member, you are expected to:

  • Utilise your networks to garner the views and perceptions of the Albury community on sustainability and the environment, and to contribute to committee discussions on how these can be incorporated into the Community Awareness Program; and
  • Be a willing participant in a collaborative effort to promote and raise awareness in the Albury community on sustainability and the environment. This would be through a committee process that identifies, connects and promotes sustainability and environment initiatives in Albury.

The objective of the Sustainability Advisory Committee is to provide a forum for members to:

  • Identify and discuss sustainability concepts, ideas and matters as they relate to Albury;
  • Enable collaboration and connectivity within the Albury community on sustainability and the environment; and
  • Provide a means for AlburyCity to monitor community perceptions and views on sustainability and the environment, and to incorporate these as necessary into its community awareness program.