School visits

Enjoy a wide range of learning programs and resources which promote engagement, creativity and hands-on learning experiences for pre-schoolers, primary, secondary and tertiary students.

Every object in the LibraryMuseum tells a story and our dynamic, curriculum-linked school programs bring these stories to life. Plan a visit and find out about curriculum related programs that can be tailored to preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary students.

Programs, resources and suggestions

Learning and Outreach officers run a number of inquiry based education programs linked to the New South Wales K-10 History syllabus. Programs are student centred, hands on and designed to engage.

Download the NSW History K-10 curriculum map, aligning our Crossing Place exhibition to syllabus content.

Safety information

We have qualified first aid officers. Fire and emergency procedures are managed by trained staff and tested regularly. A warning will be activated in an emergency. All visitors will be given clear instructions from fire and safety wardens, who will supervise the evacuation of the building if necessary.

The LibraryMuseum carries comprehensive public liability insurance cover.

All staff and volunteers working with children have undergone an Australian Federal Police security check and Working With Vulnerable People check.

Prior to their Museum visit all schools receive an email with important information about appropriate behaviour for students. This emphasises the fact that teachers have the duty of care for students when they are visiting and that all students should be in sight of a teacher or carer at all times.

The LibraryMuseum has access facilities and wheelchairs available to visitors with special needs. Visitors require no special clothing or equipment.

To assist you in risk management planning, download our Venue and Safety Information [WORD | 54.5 KB].

For schools and groups

For coaches awaiting student groups at the LibraryMuseum, parking is available at the SS&A carpark, accessible from Wilson or Swift Streets. Buses can use the loading zone on Swift street to drop students outside the LibraryMuseum first.

If visiting the LibraryMuseum have your students eat their lunch in QEII Square located at the rear of the building or in the LibraryMuseum should the weather be unsuitable. School lunches are now available for pre-order from Retro Lane Cafe at the rear of the LibraryMuseum.

Come together at the library

Borrow from our collections of books, DVDs, e-books and magazines; browse the internet on our computers, access free wifi, attend exciting exhibitions and programs, and meet up with friends for a coffee at Retro Lane Café.

School visits
School visits

Enjoy a wide range of learning programs and resources which promote engagement, creativity and hands-on learning experiences for pre-schoolers, primary, secondary and tertiary students.

Learn More
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