
Albury’s proximity to the Murray River and local bushlands means we have a rich diversity of native animals including several species of snakes.

Photos by: Matthew Lincoln and Rod Lowther

Some snakes in Albury are venomous, but play a really important role in maintaining local food webs, ecosystems and controlling pest animals like mice and rats. Some common snakes seen within Albury include the Red-bellied Black Snake, Eastern Brown Snake and Tiger Snake.

Snakes are not naturally aggressive animals and will generally only attack humans if hurt, provoked, or try to be captured. All snakes and native wildlife are protected from harm under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

What to do if you see a snake

If you come across a snake stay calm and if safe to do so, back away slowly and give the snake plenty of room to escape or move away. Council are not equipped to catch snakes, however, as there are very few snake catchers in the AlburyCity area, we are able to provide the catcher's contact details.

Snakes on private property

Occasionally a snake may make its way into your backyard or home. If you wish to have the snake safely removed from your property, please do not try to remove the snake yourself and contact a licenced snake catcher to relocate the snake.

Licenced Snake Catchers

Snakes on Council owned parks/gardens

If there is a snake in one of our parks or gardens, please call our Customer Service team on 02 6023 8111.

However, if a snake is in a natural area and doesn’t pose a risk to the public, generally we won't have the snake removed.

Please note: Council will not send a snake catcher out if the snake is in a residential home or area.

For more information about snakes visit NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment