Bulk water filling stations

We have installed 4 bulk water filling stations, giving the community access to large volumes of water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

All potable water bulk filling stations are fitted with a standard 50mm Camlock male connector at the outlet of the unit to allow connection of a hose to the tanker or vessel being filled. The bulk filling station located at the Albury Water Filtration Plant is the only site that has an overhead standpipe filling option.

All raw/untreated water bulk filling stations are fitted with a standard 80mm Camlock male connector at the outlet of the unit to allow connection of a hose to the tanker or vessel being filled.

Access to the stations

Users of the prepaid automated bulk water filling stations require an iBUTTON to activate the unit and are required to have credit on their account for the unit to dispense water.

To apply for an iBUTTON complete an application form return it to one of our Customer Service Centres.

Please note that a separate iBUTTON is required for the potable water and raw/untreated water bulk filling stations.


Potable bulk water filling stations




East Albury

24 Water Works Road, East Albury (in front of Water Filtration Plant)

Suitable for all water tanker configurations. Ground level 50mm camlock male outlet connector or overhead standpipe filling option available. Flat sealed filling area.


Dillinger Road (near Vickers Road). Near Old Railway Cottage.

Suitable for all water tanker configurations. Ground level 50mm camlock male outlet connector. Flat sealed filling area.

West Albury

Bonnie Doon Park Service Road, North of Pemberton Street

Suitable for all water tanker configurations. Ground level 50mm camlock male outlet connector. Flat sealed filling area.

Table Top

Corner of Perryman Lane and Gerogery Road

Suitable for all water tanker configurations. Ground level 50mm camlock male outlet connector. Flat unsealed filling area.

Raw/untreated bulk water filling stations





Sanctuary Lane off Wagga Road

(Adjacent 43 Sanctuary Lane)

Suitable for all water tanker configurations. Ground level 80mm camlock male outlet connector. Flat sealed filling area.

Bulk water carters supplying potable water

The Public Health Act 2010 and the Public Health Regulation 2012 require drinking water suppliers to:

  • have a quality assurance prgram (QAP) that complies with the Regulation
  • comply with (i.e. implement) its QAP
  • provide a copy of the QAP to the local Public Health Unit
  • keep records relating to managing the safety of its drinking water supply.
  • Notify us of their business details and be placed on a food business register

NSW Guidelines for Water Carters will help water carters provide safe drinking water.

iBUTTON access key charges

The first issued iBUTTON Access Key set per application will incur a $54.30 refundable deposit. Additional iBUTTON Access Key sets incur an additional refundable deposit of $54.30 per key set. The deposit/s will be refunded upon return of the iBUTTON key set/s to Council.

Lost or stolen iBUTTON access key sets

A replacement fee of $39.35 will be charged for damaged, lost or stolen iBUTTON Access Key sets. Water Carters shall report lost or stolen iBUTTON Access Keys to Albury City Council immediately on (02) 6023 8111 as your account will need to be disabled.

All costs associated with water purchased via a stolen iBUTTON Access Key will be the responsibility of the iBUTTON Access Key holder up until the time of notice to Albury City Council of the stolen iBUTTON Access Key.

Portable standpipes

Where AlburyCity issues approval to a water carter permitting water to be extracted via fire hydrants, only portable metered standpipes issued by Albury City Council can be used. The approved portable metered standpipes are permitted to be used in the hydrant locations nominated by Council only. Use of any other hydrant location or use of a standpipe not issued by Council is a breach of the conditions of approval to extract water from Council’s water mains. Persons found in breach of the approval may have their approval to use portable standpipes revoked and/or be subject to prosecution.

NSW Fire and Rescue and NSW Rural Fire Service for fire fighting purposes are exempt from this requirement.

Pedestrian and cyclist safety

Water Carters are required to comply with the Work Health Safety Act and Work Health Safety Regulation, including completion of a risk assessment prior to filling from bulk water filling stations. Filling is to be undertaken in a manner to minimise obstruction of the footpath and take all safety precautions including the positioning of safety cones to prevent the risk of tripping hazards or injury to pedestrians and cyclists.

Vandalism and cabinet security

We have security cameras present and recording at each bulk water filling station location. However, to minimise the interruption to bulk water carters it is important that all damage as a result of vandalism or unauthorised use at the bulk water filling stations is immediately reported to us on 02 6023 8111.

More information or to report faults

Council’s Administration Centre is open between 8.30 am to 5.00 pm, Monday to Friday.

For information in relation to the application process or the bulk water filling station system or to report a problem such as service difficulties and faults with a bulk water filling station, please contact Council’s Customer Service Team on 02 6023 8111.

Credit can be added to a user account by visiting any one of our Customer Service Centres during office hours.