AlburyCity is fully committed to providing visibility and ensuring transparency of our operations and our supply chains.
A message from the CEO
“At AlburyCity we have a strong focus on continuing our position as an ‘employer of choice’ through employee engagement, fostering a community focused culture and providing a vibrant and rewarding work environment. We strongly believe that our people and all those we conduct business with, are the key to delivering our strategic objectives outlined in the Community Strategic Plan – Towards Albury 2050.
AlburyCity delivers a wide range of statutory and discretionary services to property and people, provided directly through our own people, and through and by many private and for purpose sector organisations.
Our Modern Slavery Statement sets out the action that AlburyCity has taken, and will take, to ensure that there is no Modern Slavery in our own business or supply chains.
AlburyCity is fully committed to providing visibility and ensuring transparency of our operations and our supply chains. To this end AlburyCity is working in partnership with the NSW and Australian Governments, the wider public sector, our people, suppliers, service providers, unions and others to address Modern Slavery challenges and drive collaborative action with a view to reducing risks and incidence of modern slavery."
Mr Frank Zaknich
Chief Executive Officer