At the outbreak of World War I, James, a local school teacher and successful local sportsman and star of the Albury Tigers, enlisted early and served at Gallipoli. At the outbreak of World War I, James, a local school teacher and successful local sportsman and star of the Albury Football Club, enlisted early and served at Gallipoli. He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry. He was sent back to Albury to recover from wounds and illness sustained at Gallipoli, before returning to service. He died in Armentières, France, on 21 January 1917.
The opening of this exhibition coincided with the launch of the book “Brave Lover: James Simpson” by Patrick Mangan. Copies of the book are available for purchase at Albury LibraryMuseum or may be purchased online from the publisher here
This exhibition was developed with assistance from the Simpson family and the Albury & District Historical Society.
Image Credit
National Archives of Australia. NAA: A14290, 244. Original held by the Imperial War Museum, London