Australia Park - Proposed Improvements

This project will vastly improve car parking and access to Oddies Creek Park Play Space.

About this project

Australia Park is located on the corner of Wodonga Place and Ebden Street, South Albury adjacent to Oddies Creek Park and the historic Turks Head Building.

This project is in response to feedback from community consultation in 2017 for improved facilities, parking and pedestrian connectivity between Australia Park, Oddies Creek Play Space and the other riverside park areas.

The proposed works at Australia Park will improve the visitor experience to the riverside parks and involve the following elements:

  • Construction of a 65 space car park with four disabled car parks (originally 80 car spaces)
  • include lighter coloured coating to the car park to reduce the heat sink effect
  • Oddies Creek Park/Australia Park linking pedestrian bridge
  • Realignment and upgrade of the South Albury levee bank through Australia Park
  • Reconstruction of Ebden Street with improved parking
  • Landscaping including picnic shelter with provision for future barbecue, linking pathways and tree planting (18 trees)
  • Converting existing gravel car parks (Oddies Creek Park and Wodonga Place) and temporary access road back to green space
  • New service vehicle creek crossing
  • Removal of 22 predominately exotic trees
  • Revegetation of section of Oddies Creek with 70 native trees and 120 native shrubs to improve biodiversity and the riparian habitat for a range of native animals
  • identify and progress additional tree planting opportunities that won’t encroach or impact the integrity of the levee bank

The Australia Park car park and pedestrian bridge linking Oddies Creek Park to Australia Park are projects we are delivering in partnership with the NSW Government through the Regional Growth Environment and Tourism Fund.  The two projects are part of a range of projects that will improve our connection with the Murray River.

South Albury Levee bank project

Historically, Albury has experienced periodic flooding events due to significant rainfall and/or high river levels. A series of flooding events in the 1970s prompted the construction of the existing South Albury Levee (commissioned in 1976). Smaller events have occurred more recently in 2010 and 2016 and are estimated to be approximately a 20% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) and 10% AEP respectively.

Council completed a series of flood studies and following this developed the Albury Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan. The study recommended a number of initiatives/actions to be undertaken to improve the flood resilience of the community while improving environmental outcomes.

This project involves the increasing the height and realignment of the South Albury Levee that traverses through Australia Park in order to allow the proposed car park to be constructed.

Oddies Creek Park/ Australia Park Linking footbridge

A new pedestrian bridge linking Australia Park Carpark to Oddies Creek Park play space is required enabling pedestrians and cycles to cross Oddies Creek. The 17m bridge with a concrete deck, timber posts and steel rails will improve access to the popular play space.

Key Documents

The key documents associated with the project are listed below:

Project Updates

10 December 2024

At Last night's Council meeting, Council considered the feedback received through the public exhibition period and resolved to:

a. receive and note the feedback received through the Australia Park Car Park, Pedestrian Bridge and Levee Bank Upgrade project public exhibition process;

b. amend the designs of the Australia Park Car Park, Pedestrian Bridge and Levee Bank Upgrade project to include a maximum of 65 car spaces including 4 disabled car spaces, a commensurate reduction in paved area, and lighter coloured coating to the car park to reduce the heat sink effect;

c. at the conclusion of the construction phase, identify and progress additional tree planting opportunities that won’t encroach or impact the integrity of the levee bank; and,

d. recommence the tender process with a view to awarding a contract for the Australia Park Car Park, Pedestrian Bridge and Levee Bank Upgrade project.

Investigations into the options to reduce the car space number has commenced. Once an agreed reduced layout is known modifications to the detailed designs can commence.

26 February 2024

At the Council meeting held on 26 February 2024, Council resolved:

That Council endorse the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the ‘Australia Park car park, pedestrian bridge, and levee bank reconstruction’ project, and move into public exhibition for 28 days to seek further community feedback on the project.

Council report and Stakeholder engagement plan

28 November 2023

The Construction tender was present to Council at the Council meeting held on the 27 November 2023.  Council resolved the following:

a. in accordance with Clause 178(3) Local Government (General) Regulations 2021, not accept any of the tender submissions for Contract No. 21/02476 Australia Park Car Park and Levee Construction Works;

b. places the Australia Park Car Park and Levee Construction Concept Plan on public exhibition for 28 days;

c. considers a concept plan for endorsement in 2024 prior to recommencing the tender process for the project contract; and

d. invite, in accordance with section 167, 168 or 169 Local Government (General) Regulations 2021, fresh tender submissions based on the same or different details.

6 October 2023

Construction tender has been advertised and closes on 17 October.

27 January 2023

Detailed design is complete and awaiting determination of the Review of Environmental Factors.

29 April 2022

Finalisation of the detailed design and  Review of Environmental Factors continues.

25 March 2022

Detail designs are being finalised with the Review of Environmental Factors nearing completion.

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