Wagirra Trail Extension

Construction is underway on an additional 12kms of sealed pathway extending behind Wonga Wetlands.

About this project

The Wagirra Trail currently links the Union Bridge to Wonga Wetlands. Along the six kilometre trail you can view the 11 art pieces of the Yindyamarra Sculpture Walk,

We're now extending the trail to follow the banks of the Murray River around the perimeter of Wonga Wetlands.

The project will involve:

  • Construction of 12 KM of a 2.5 metre wide trail
  • Installation of seating
  • Bike racks
  • Directional signs
  • Picnic tables
  • Expansion of the Yindyamarra Sculpture Walk with five additional art pieces

Stage 1 - 4 Kilometres

Stage 2 - 8 Kilometres

New canoe ramp

The canoe ramp is now complete and open for public use.

As part of the trail extension, we're building a canoe ramp for paddlers to access the Murray River.

Just off Waterview Road, the ramp extends into an anabranch that will give easy paddling access to the river in the warmer months when river levels are high.

The disability access-compliant facility will also include a small car park and turnaround point.

Open only to non-powered craft, the ramp will have bollards to prevent use by larger, powered boats.

It's been developed through Roads and Maritime Services Better Boating grant funding.

Map 29-04-2022

27 January 2023

Flooding has damaged sections of the trail. Asessments are underway to determine what remediation works are required.

29 April 2022

The construction of the four bridges are now complete with final engineering inspection yet to be completed. Abutment work well underway. The base of the entire trail is now complete with small sections of hotmix still to be laid. Signage for the trail is well underway.

Wagirra  29-04-22

Wagirra  29-04-22a

Wagirra  29-04-22b

Wagirra  29-04-22c

Wagirra  29-04-22d

. .

9 December 2021

Construction of bridge one continues. The construction of last 350m of trail between bridge one and Wonga Wetlands car park is well underway.

Wagirra  09-12-21

Wagirra  09-12-21a

19 November 2021

Bridge construction work recommences. Bridge three is now complete. Bridge two construction is complete with the ramp still to be done. Bridge one construction underway. Bridge four is yet to commence due to access issues.

Wagirra  19-11-21

Wagirra  19-11-21

Wagirra  19-11-21b

Wagirra  19-11-21c

8 October 2021

Recent rain and high water levels have made the ground conditions unsuitable for any construction works. As the ground dries out works will recommence.

10 September 2021

The construction of the second bridge has commenced.  The high levels of the Murray River has delayed construction

Wagirra  10-09-21

27 August 2021

Trail construction has recommenced between bridges while the first bridge is complete

Wagirra  27-08-21

Wagirra  27-08-21a

6 August 2021

The first of four new bridges on the Wagirra Trail extension is taking shape. The weather has caused some delays however the warmer weather will allow the bridge and trail construction to continue.

Bridge 06-08-21

15 April 2021

Stage one construction is complete. The abutments of the first bridge have been constructed and fabrication of the bridges are underway. The archaeological assessment process continues on the last section of trail.

Bridge 15-04-21

Bridge 15-04-21a

16 August 2020

The bridge design is well underway with construction scheduled to commence in September. The archaeological assessment process continues on the last section of trail. The picnic tables and bench seats have arrived with installation also due to commence in September.

29 May 2020

The trail bridges design and construct tender has been awarded to Cable Bridge Constructions while the trail construction has ceased with approximately 350 metres to the main entry. Further assessments are required on the final section of the trail.

17 April 2020

The streambank works in stage one is complete. Base construction of stage two continues with less than 500 metres to construct. Hot mix of  another section of stage two was completed this week. Tenders have closed for the bridges and are currently being assessed.

Section 1 - 17-04

Section 2 - 17-04

Section 2 - 17-04a

Section 2 - 17-04b

7 February 2020

The base of the final 550 metres of stage one has been constructed. Rocks are being transported in and will be placed along the streambank to assist in stabilising the bank. Stage 2 is progressing well over 2.5 kilometres of base completed. The Request for Quotation has been advertised for the bridges.

Section 1 - 07-02

Section 2 - 07-02

11 January 2020

The first two kilometres of stage two has had the hotmix laid.  Base preparation has moved north adjacent to where the bridges will be constructed.

Section 2 - 11-01

Section 2 - 11-01a

Section 2 - 11-01b

6 December 2019

Construction of stage 2 is well underway with 1.9 kilometres of the base constructed. The tender documents are being prepared for the bridges. The completion of the remaining 550 metres of stage 1 will commence when the streambank works in this area are complete.

Trail 6-12

Wagira River view 7-12

4 October 2019

700 metres of hotmix was laid this week. This completed 3.5 kilometres of trail. The base construction of 250 metres was also completed which leaves a further 550 metres to construct to finish stage 1.

13 September 2019

The base construction continues along the river while a further two more sections of hotmix has been completed. The canoe ramp is complete while the car park area is still under construction.

15 August 2019

Tree Planting along Waterview Road was undertaken as part of a Community tree planting day. The installation of hotmix was completed on a 600 metre section of trail along Waterview Road.

26 July 2019

Track construction has slowed due to the wet cooler weather. The concreting of the canoe ramp is complete and surrounding works underway. The adjacent hardstand will commence in August.

21 June 2019

Excavation works has continued on the trail along the woodlot area. Streambank works at points A and B are complete while construction has commenced on the canoe launching area near Waterview Road.

14 June 2019

Site preparation has commenced for tree planting along Waterview Road while streambank works has commenced at point A (refer map).

25 April 2019

Work continues on preparing the trail adjacent to the Murray River east of point B.

4 April 2019

A small section of trail base construction was completed at the junction of the lagoon and Murray River. Local Land Services will undertake some river revetment work (refer Map above A) prior to undertaking more trail construction work in this area. Works meets the Murray River. Trail construction has moved east (refer Map above B)

22 March 2019

A major portion of trail along Waterview Road base construction is now complete with link to Riverina Highway still to be done. Works will continue along the rive until the canoe launch facility is constructed .

15 March 2019

Works continues south along Waterview Road - excavation and preparation works

8 March 2019

Works continues on the Waterview Road section of the Trail. The base has been prepared for a short section from the bridge adjacent to the Riverina Highway..

16 February 2019

Base preparation has commenced along Waterview Road while it continues on the southern section of the Trail along the Murray River.

1 February 2019

The base of approximately 740 metres of trail has been constructed to date. Preparation of the next section is underway

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