Noreuil Park Improvements

Improvements are now complete at Noreuil Park Foreshore.

Noreuil Park Foreshore Improvements

Works are now complete and the car park and roadways are open for use.

Stage 2 works is now complete

We received funding through the NSW Government's Stronger Country Communities Fund and Regional Growth, Environment and Tourism Fund (RGETF) to undertake the following works

Major improvement works are underway at Albury's popular Noreuil Park Foreshore. Stage 1 works have been completed and stage 2 works commenced in March. As stage two involves upgrade of the car park conditions in the park will change for the duration of the works.

  • Traffic management is now in place for the duration of the works and will change depending on the stage of construction
  • The centre grassed area is opened for car parking (weather dependent)

Stage works 2 works involve:

    1. Improvements to parking under the trees on Noreuil Parade – This includes installing tree protection areas, resurfacing some areas and line marking
    2. Installation of a temporary road access for use when car park is under construction
    1. Construction of the brick retaining wall at the back of the cafe and a signage wall. This will involve some road closures along Noreuil Parade
    2. Installation of an access path along Noreuil Parade to improve pedestrian access while construction is underway
    1. Construction of new car park area as per the Noreuil Park master plan. This includes 36 new car park and additional bike parking
    2. Construction of alternative bike path that runs behind the foreshore area including lighting and signage

Additional works are being carried out to improve the main roadway. Works include the installation of drainage and resurfacing a section of roadway.

Completed stage one works included:

  • Installation of concrete pads for the picnic tables including two picnic tables that are linked to the path network for easy access
  • Realigning and widening the Wagirra Trail through the site to assist in reducing the conflict between cyclists and pedestrians
  • Installation of additional play elements in the playground area
  • Fencing the playground area to increase safety for families
  • Concreting the gathering area between River Deck Cafe and entry gate of the fenced playground
  • Installation of a drinking fountain and water bottle filling station
  • Installation of bike racks

The upgrade works have been designed to align with the Murray River Experience Master Plan (2007)  and the Noreuil Park Foreshore Master Plan (2016)

25 October 2019

All works associated with the project are now complete.

25-10 NP CarPark

25-10 NP CarParka

25-10 NP CarParkb

27 September 2019

Improvement works on the main roadway continue this week. Drainage has been installed and base constructed.

27 September 2019

To improve access to the new car park drainage and roadworks have commenced along the main avenue leading to the foreshore area.

20 September 2019

The car park area is complete and now open for use. Light poles have been installed, alternative bike path open, bollards installed  and landscaping complete. The main road has been blocked off to allow upgrade works to occur.

13 September 2019

The hotmix has been laid in the car park area and line marking commenced. Landscape works continue.

30 August 2019

Landscaping and site levelling commenced this week. The bike racks were also installed.

23 August 2019

The base of the car park are is almost complete and the alternative bike route is complete. Landscape works will commence next week.

9 August 2019

The construction of the alternative trail commenced this week while the kerb for the car park entrance was installed.

26 July 2019

The construction of the concrete pathways continue around the site (at the back of the building and playground as well as along the northern section of the carpark which will link to the alternate bike route.

19 July 2019

Drainage and base preparation is complete. The kerb has been installed and the pathway concreting has commenced.

28 June 2019

Works continues on the carpark area with the base almost complete.

21 June 2019

Car park construction continues with the importation of roadbase. In addition the new dual waste system has been installed including a trial  solar-powered compactor bins. It also sends an email to us when its full!.

14 June 2019

Car park excavation works has commenced and will continue next week.

7 June 2019

Construction work commenced on the car park area this week. The preliminary work (service locations, set out and soil/stump removal) was undertaken. The gate frameworks were also installed on the Riverdeck Cafe bin area. New waste and recycled bins were installed in the park.

31 May 2019

The care park areas between the trees were improved this week. The main car park construction project is scheduled to commence next week.

3 May 2019

Handrails have been installed this week on top of the retaining wall. Waiting for the gates to be manufactured.

26 April 2019

This week the concrete steps and pathway behind the retaining wall were finished.

19 April 2019

The retaining wall at the rear of the building is complete with the concrete steps and pathway continuing. The carpark construction work is scheduled to commence in June. Turf has been laid on the river side of the Mitta Mitta Canoe Club after the completion of the drainage works.

12 April 2019

Works continued on the retaining wall with the main focus on the southern end. pathway and steps preparation has commenced. The plane tree was also removed last week.

29 March 2019

The construction of the retaining wall brick continued this week with the laying of the red brick outer wall. works will continue on the wall next week. The drainage at the front of the Mitta Mitta Canoe Club was also completed this week. The area was top dressed at the conclusion of the works.

29 March 2019

The initial retaining wall block work has been installed this week with the face brickwork to commence next week. The installation of a gravel path adjacent to the carpark has commenced this week. This will provided improved access for park visitors from the carpark to the Riverdeck Cafe and playground area.

22 March 2019

The retaining wall construction commenced this week with the footings installed and bricks delivered to site.

15 March 2019

Stage 2 works has commenced with a temporary access road installed this week and temporary fencing erected in readiness for the retaining wall construction.

22 February 2019

Installation of two new play elements for were complete this week. In addition some preparation works for stage 2 was carried out (relocation of some electrical infrastructure).

8 February 2019

Three bespoke bike racks have been installed this week. For those who don't know how to use them, back wheel of the bike goes against the fence and hang the seat on the rail.

18 January 2019

The drinking fountain and bottle filling station was installed this week.

14 December 2018

The playground area is now open with the completion of the fencing. Other works this week included planting of five Chinese Elms, completion of the irrigation system and laying of turf. More turf is ordered for next week. Additional play equipment, drinking fountain and bike racks will now be installed early in the new year.

7 December 2018

Noreuil Park works continue this week with completion of all concrete works in this stage, alterations to the irrigation system, levelling around the worksite and additional tree planting. Turf is on order and will be laid next week. Playground is still closed with the fencing scheduled to be completed next week.

16 November 2018

The River Deck Cafe re-opens on Saturday 17 November while the playground area is still closed due to the construction works. The centre grassed area is now open for the summer parking while there are changes to the parking adjacent to the Cafe. Pedestrian access is now available on the foreshore area, however there are still  active construction zones.

11 November 2018

Works continues in front of the River Deck Cafe and realignment and widening of the Wagirra Trail this week. The Cafe will reopen on 17 November.

9 November 2018

Concrete pads have been installed for the picnic tables and works have commenced on realigning and widening the Wagirra Trail.

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