Green waste

When pruning, planting or landscaping, ensure you dispose of your garden waste correctly.

You can bring green waste to us for disposal at any time during opening hours.

The cost is minimal – just $5.00 to dispose of up to 100 kg of green waste. If you have more than 100kg of green waste the charge will be $60.00 per tonne.

Why recycle garden waste?

About half of household garbage is made up of food and garden waste. Garden waste thrown into your garbage bin ends up in landfill, where it breaks down in a way that can create greenhouse gases, including methane, which affect air quality and public health.

Recycle your garden waste to:

  • reduce landfill
  • minimise greenhouse gases
  • minimise air and water pollution.

What you CAN put in your garden waste bin

Green waste includes the following items:

  • flowers
  • grass clippings
  • leaves
  • small branches
  • small prunings
  • twigs
  • weeds

For more info visit the Halve Waste website.

What you CANNOT put in your garden waste bin

Like other kerb-side recycling services, some items should never go in any garden waste bin, no matter where you live. They include:

  • bottles (glass or plastic)
  • garden waste in plastic bags
  • gardening tools and hoses
  • nappies (including biodegradable or compostable types)
  • plastic bags
  • pots (ceramic and plastic)
  • toys
  • metal
  • wire and string
  • food packaging
  • plastic bags
  • plastic film
  • plant pots
  • household rubbish
  • food packaging
  • gravel or dirt
  • large branches or logs
  • concrete
  • fencing material
  • ash
  • treated timber
  • recycling bin items

What happens to garden waste after it's collected?

After your garden waste has been collected it's taken to a processor and turned into soil or fertiliser. It is then used in agriculture and to keep parklands green.