Construction and Demolition Material Recovery Facility (MRF)

Drop off location for construction and demolition material and other dry waste materials

The Construction and Demolition Material Recovery Facility at the Albury Waste Management Centre is a drop off location for businesses that generate construction and demolition material and other dry waste material types.

The facility will separate the materials for recovery purposes and send these off for re-manufacture. The process aims to recover up to 80% of dry recyclables and divert material away from burial at the landfill.  The plant uses cutting edge waste management screens and trained staff to receive, sort and prepare single stream recyclable materials for offsite transport and repurpose. Materials that will be sorted and recycled will include, but not limited to: Bricks, timber, metals, concrete, cardboard, hard plastics.

This project was supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.

Material Recovery Facility (MRF) - 1

Material Recovery Facility (MRF) - 2